Monday, March 20, 2017

The giant doughnut.

  • Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes.
  • Edit and check your story on your own , with a buddy and have it checked by a teacher before you blog.

         MMMMMM!Look at that yummy,sprinkled,pink doughnut.I wish I was there to eat it all but I know I couldn't eat all of that, I would get a stomach ache.

I will tell you all our names.Our names are Fatihah,Ayla and Kyra.Kyra is the oldest.Fatihah is the second oldest.And of cause Ayla is the youngest.We were playing some golf.Kyra was always winning but ten times Kyra didn't get it in but Ayla shot it In the hole.
After our game we ate some of the sprinkled,pink doughnut yummy right.I forgot that the ball was a sprinkle.Funny right who do you know that plays golf with a sprinkle.Hahahaha.
The person with the blue t-shirt was Kyra.And the person with the white t-shirt was Fatihah.And finally the person with the green top was Ayla.
Guess what?-when my sister’s weren't looking I ate a sprinkle.
Let Me Tell You About Who Won well Fatihah Was winning a  little bit and Ayla was winning a little bit.
Kyra was really good at doing it.She was like playing like a cheetah but a cheetah will run.So I will tell you about what the points were.The points were 10 points to Ayla.Fatihah got 20 points.And finally Miss Kyra got 21 points so it was a close game.Kyra won by 1 point.It was a close game because Fatihah got 20 and then Kyra shot It over into the hole.And then after our game of golf we started to get hungry like a lion viciously eating its meat hungrily.Wow look at that shot you just got in the ball.It was zooming past fast.

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